April 7: Establishing relationships online is not always a bad thing, especially if it’s through a group and you meet because of a common interest. Three years ago I participated in Brene Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection eCourse. It was my first experience with an eCourse, with art journaling, using art[…]

March 29: This is a Labyrinth. Unlike a maze which may have multiple entrances and exits, dead ends, no center, and branches requiring decision making; a labyrinth has one center, one entrance which is also the exit, and one non-branching path. A maze is confusing, a labyrinth is purposeful. Last month my[…]

March 28: I’m grateful today for the neighbor or postal employee who, instead of returning this card to sender, recognized the street number was wrong and corrected it. This person facilitated the delivery of “mailbox magic”, a phrase coined by a group of my friends for the unexpected surprise of fun cheery mail. I[…]

March 26: I am grateful for the magazine, Art Journaling, by Stampington & Company. My fingers are drawn to the high quality paper and my mind is stimulated by the art journaling pages and the story and techniques of each of the featured artists. I had some time to myself this afternoon and stopped to[…]

March 24: These vibrantly colored Gazanias are in full bloom right now. They line the walkway to my door inviting all who approach to smile. I can’t sneak by. It doesn’t matter how pre-occupied I am, the flowers just beg to be noticed. Gazanias symbolize richness. I didn’t know this when I bought them;[…]

March 20th: Talk about the squirrel syndrome. I came home from an appointment desperately needing to write about March’s book club book, the one I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the Faraway Nearby by Rebecca Solnit. It’s a book of connected essays and I finished the final three this morning. If I had[…]

March 10th: My journaling prompt this week is to write about a favorite quote. I have an artsy composition book, one of those books you write essays in for exams only this one is covered in flowers and inspiring words to disguise its intended purpose. These books are inexpensive and fun and perfect[…]

March 5th: I participated in an activism training program given by Sara El-Amine today. She is the former National Grassroots Organizing Director at Organizing for Action, President Obama’s grassroots 20-million-person strong movement, and is known as “The Organizer of Organizers”. The program’s goal is to empower individuals to be political[…]

March 4th: In the spaces between rainstorms there is spring, just enough spring to tease. I spent the morning in the garden weeding, pruning, planting seeds for my butterfly garden, and hanging up hummingbird feeders. A Mockingbird inches along a telephone line, hop hop pause, hop hop pause, silently moving into position to dive[…]

February 20th: The final assignment for my numerology course was to write a personal mission statement inspired by my numbers. The attributes of the numbers help to fill in the blanks. This should’ve been an easy task as my numbers accurately reflect my past, present and future; and I’m fairly comfortable writing about[…]

February 19th: I had pre-planned today’s gratitude post to coincide with last night’s book club. Our book, The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen, made me grateful for authors whose words and metaphors invited me to linger on the page and who exposed me to unfamiliar situations, people and feelings. Through the eyes of a[…]

February 12th: A storm cleared out yesterday leaving in its place a warm, sunny, spring-like day. The Pear trees are in full white bloom; the hills, usually a fire concern, are covered in a lush emerald green carpet; the trickle of water in the normally bone dry creek twinkles in the sun. A perfect day for[…]
February 3rd: Sometimes gratitude is a very intentional exercise of turning a negative into a positive. Sometimes gratitude is turning inward and reflecting on the basics, the things in our life we take for granted or do without any recognition of their importance. Nothing screams “write about me” today so[…]

February 2nd: Don’t laugh, but I’ve been studying numerology. It’s part of a self-directed initiative to expand my horizons and it’s the information in this course that I’m actually thankful for today. Numbers 1-9 each have personality types associated with them making numerology not much different than the personality types[…]

February 1st: There’s no better pick-me-up than helping someone else and today I needed just that. A sympathy letter composed today to my recently widowed best friend is the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to write. Afterwards I felt as if I’d been punched in the stomach, winded by the grief of also[…]
January 29th: Gratitude is being overshadowed by anxiety and concern over current events. I’m struggling to find something I’m grateful for today. But after returning home from a nice family dinner with my cousin’s family I realize that I have something to be very grateful for. My husband and cousin[…]

January 24th: Today I am grateful for cameras and my love of photography. My memory has never been first-rate. It’s a frustrating trait, a trait I attribute to multi-tasking and difficulty living in the present moment, a trait that prevents me from being a viable Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy contender. There[…]
January 22nd: Parking lot manners leave much to be desired these days. There’s nothing more frustrating then not once, but twice going through the cycle of looking in your rear view mirror, then over your right shoulder and over your left shoulder only to find someone right behind you as soon as you[…]

Dear Friend, So I have this hammock in a part of my backyard that I call “critter corner”. An Australian Willow frequented by squirrels, raccoons and opossums anchor the corner. The ground is littered with the leaves of a nearby Flame tree making critter stealth virtually impossible. My bedroom faces critter corner[…]

I’m living vicariously through my friends who are now growing Milkweed. My ecosystem should have produced one more generation of Monarch butterflies. But it hasn’t. Only one butterfly has visited in the last few months. It was a female and it did lay eggs, but I never saw a caterpillar. Two friends[…]