Nuttall Woodpeckers, Again

April 2:  Spring has arrived in Southern California. Warm sunny days, cool nights, green hills dotted with mustard flowers.  The first roses of the year are blooming, my first Monarch caterpillar is munching away on a Milkweed plant, and somewhere in my yard there is a hummingbird nest because why else would I have a resident hummingbird.

The Woodpecker spotted on March 20th has returned.  This morning, as I prepared for the day’s chores and the friends coming to assist me, I heard it.  Not one, but five, out front chattering away and chasing each other around the trees like kids on a playground.  A family perhaps?  Lessons in flying and boring holes in trees for insects?  Play time?  Their frisky behavior brightened my day; their presence made me feel all was right with the world.


Photo: Two of the five Woodpeckers

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