10/31: I have been treated this Halloween!  A card from my cat slipped under the front door, a pumpkin out front, and a Halloween mask in my mailbox all brought a huge smile to my face.  I’m grateful to be the recipient of such whimsical fun.  It brightened my day[…]

Trick or Treat

10/26: I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend some creative time with my mom and one of her friends and for the increasing popularity of Dia de los Muertos, a Mexican holiday whose theme and folk art I adore.  The three of us had fun decorating Sugar Skulls at a[…]

Art Date: Sugar Skulls

10/25: After a night of stifling heat and gusting winds and getting up at 2:30 am to take down wind chimes and umbrellas, I awoke with this thought/prayer/wish — that there would be no local fires.  Everyone around me is a bit on edge after the recent Canyon 2 fire,[…]

One Day Closer

10/23: I’m grateful for a general feeling of well-being and these roses that I passed on the way to my trash cans.  They said, “use me for the 7 day black and white photo challenge”.  You know how it is, a challenge goes around Facebook that you hope will pass[…]

Feeling Good

10/21: The entrance to tunnel 7 is what I’m grateful for today.  It was cool and shady.  There was room for me on the low wall leading up to the entrance and I sat for quite awhile escaping the heat of the stadium interior.

A Shady Spot

10/20: I’ve not written here in two months.  People ask if I no longer have things to be grateful for or if the things I’m grateful for are so constant they’re not worth writing about.  Neither really applies.  You can always find something to be grateful for.  Think outside the[…]

A Morning Walk on the Beach