April 29: Last night my husband and I attended the wedding of a woman I’ve known for almost 25 years.  She is one of five women, all at one time co-workers, that have kept in touch despite no longer working for the company that introduced us all.  We sporadically keep[…]

A Joyous Wedding

April 26: I’m grateful to my mom for pointing out some of the exquisitely colored Gazanias blooming along my walkway today.  I walk by them every day and don’t often notice their detail and variation.

More Gazanias

April 25: Plans are underway for a trip back East with family.  The primary objective is to scatter my dad’s ashes off the coast of his hometown.  There are differing desires for how to spend the rest of the trip and for a brief while the plan was to, upon leaving[…]


April 23: I’m a little late writing about this gratitude moment, mostly because it was difficult to write about on the day of its occurrence.  Gratitude can sometimes be bittersweet. Three years ago my brother gifted me this blog so that I could write about a hobby that unbeknownest to me,[…]

Tribute to a Butterfly

April 21: I know it’s strange to post a photo of my head but twice this year people standing or sitting behind me have commented on the cut and highlighting of my hair.  The most recent incident was 6 weeks ago.  Two ladies standing behind me in the return line at Costco[…]

A Good Hair Day

April 20: I’m grateful today for light traffic on my 3 hour round trip drive to run a dad related errand and for the nice lunch I had with his secretary while there.  Yep, my dad was old school up until the day he died.  She was his last secretary[…]

My Dad’s Secretary

April 19: My 2005 Prius is getting its 100,000 mile service today.  There’s no better time to write about a beloved car than in the waiting room of the auto repair shop. I’ve had a few other memorable cars in my past.  The Honda I purchased from my grandmother a few[…]

Ode to My Prius

April 18:  An obligation cancelled.  Secretly I’m grateful.  I’m tired and this unexpected day of quiet was restorative.


April 16: I can almost count my first cousins with one hand.  I can if I count only those that are still with us.   My dad was an only child so my cousins are all on my mom’s side of the family.  My mom and her sisters are close and they wanted[…]

Tie Dyed Easter Eggs

April 12: I spent a lovely day with my mom visiting the colorful Giant Tecolote Ranunculus fields of Carlsbad Ranch.  The company, the acres and acres of rainbow color, the warmth of the sun, fresh squeezed lemonade, charming birds, lots of photo ops, and minimal traffic made this a day full of[…]

A Day of Flowers with Mom

April 10: It’s wildflower season in Southern California and I’m determined not to miss it.  The amount of rain determines the abundance, even the existence, of the season.  Years of drought followed by an unusually wet winter make this year a special treat.  The news reports the best display of[…]

I’m on a Wildflower Mission

April 9:  We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.  ~ Anton Chekov  

Love and Light

April 7: Establishing relationships online is not always a bad thing, especially if it’s through a group and you meet because of a common interest.  Three years ago I participated in Brene Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection eCourse.  It was my first experience with an eCourse, with art journaling, using art[…]


April 6: My house is 50% windows.  That might be a slight exaggeration, it might be 40%.  I live in an Eichler home, a style of home built in the early 60’s and named after the real estate developer, Joseph Eichler.  The homes are mid-century modern, famous for many features, including glass[…]

My Window Washer

April 4: I’ve been thinking a lot about help lately.  I grew up not knowing how to ask for help.  I shouldn’t burden you, which is a thinly veiled excuse for not feeling worthy enough to deserve your time.  I grew up not knowing how to accept help.  I should be able[…]


April 2:  Spring has arrived in Southern California. Warm sunny days, cool nights, green hills dotted with mustard flowers.  The first roses of the year are blooming, my first Monarch caterpillar is munching away on a Milkweed plant, and somewhere in my yard there is a hummingbird nest because why[…]

Nuttall Woodpeckers, Again