March 24: These vibrantly colored Gazanias are in full bloom right now. They line the walkway to my door inviting all who approach to smile. I can’t sneak by. It doesn’t matter how pre-occupied I am, the flowers just beg to be noticed. Gazanias symbolize richness. I didn’t know this when I bought them;[…]

January 24th: Today I am grateful for cameras and my love of photography. My memory has never been first-rate. It’s a frustrating trait, a trait I attribute to multi-tasking and difficulty living in the present moment, a trait that prevents me from being a viable Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy contender. There[…]

I’m mourning the loss of 7 chrysalises due to a predator previously unknown to me. My tendency is to photograph and write only about the wonders of the butterfly’s development because it’s the beauty of change that inspires me. But this morning as I gathered the infected chrysalises in a bag I realized that[…]

A friend of mine lost his battle with cancer this week. The day he passed a female butterfly arrived in my atrium laying eggs on my recently regenerated Milkweed plants. The butterflies have symbolized life and death from the beginning. Not just within their own life cycle but also in relationship[…]