10/26: I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend some creative time with my mom and one of her friends and for the increasing popularity of Dia de los Muertos, a Mexican holiday whose theme and folk art I adore.  The three of us had fun decorating Sugar Skulls at a[…]

Art Date: Sugar Skulls

May 14:  My mom asked everyone at yesterday’s annual Mother’s Day brunch if they read my blog.  For a moment I felt exposed, kind of like I do when I share a post on Facebook.  Is the writing good or interesting enough, is it too personal, did I share something[…]

My Biggest Fans

April 25: Plans are underway for a trip back East with family.  The primary objective is to scatter my dad’s ashes off the coast of his hometown.  There are differing desires for how to spend the rest of the trip and for a brief while the plan was to, upon leaving[…]


April 16: I can almost count my first cousins with one hand.  I can if I count only those that are still with us.   My dad was an only child so my cousins are all on my mom’s side of the family.  My mom and her sisters are close and they wanted[…]

Tie Dyed Easter Eggs

April 12: I spent a lovely day with my mom visiting the colorful Giant Tecolote Ranunculus fields of Carlsbad Ranch.  The company, the acres and acres of rainbow color, the warmth of the sun, fresh squeezed lemonade, charming birds, lots of photo ops, and minimal traffic made this a day full of[…]

A Day of Flowers with Mom

February 28th: Today I acquired a first class ticket to Boston for a trip I’m taking in a few months with my brother and sister-in-law.  We’re taking my father’s ashes home and following the path of his youth. First class on a coast to coast flight is a rare luxury.  Back in[…]

First Class Miles

February 15th: Pablo Picasso said, Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.  Well I’m trying to re-acquaint myself with the artist inside and today I was very successful.  My mom and I spent the day making art with shaving foam.  It’s a very messy[…]

Shaving Foam Mandalas

February 10th: Today I am grateful for the thoughtfulness of my sister-in-law.  Yesterday, out of the blue, she sent photos and a nice email regarding an Apple tree that we had planted in her yard last October.   Two trees were actually planted, one in honor of my Dad and one[…]

Honoring a Life

January 30th: One year ago my husband and I took my Dad and stepmother to McDonald’s.  In my world this was a significant event.  Dad’s broken hip, followed by an unsuccessful pin and a desire to faithfully research options resulted in 7 months of extremely limited mobility and a desire not[…]

Memories of McDonald’s

January 29th: Gratitude is being overshadowed by anxiety and concern over current events.  I’m struggling to find something I’m grateful for today.  But after returning home from a nice family dinner with my cousin’s family I realize that I have something to be very grateful for.  My husband and cousin[…]

Civil Sharing of Ideas

January 18th: I am thankful for the man I married 30 years ago today and for the life we share. My husband has an uncanny knack for finding parking spaces and greeting cards and today’s card sums it up perfectly — On the road of life it’s not where you go[…]

30 Years of Unconditional Love

I’ve become Scrooge.  Well, maybe not a cold-hearted miser who hates Christmas.  But definitely someone who, in the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations, broken families and a full time job; has lost the magic and meaning of Christmas.  That is until last year. Determined not to decorate another tree[…]

The Tree of Life

Smiling man with seaweed on his head/

This is quite early for a birthday gift I realize but I felt time was of the essence. I wanted this blog to be a tool by which you can explore the beauty in your life and the lives of others…reporting your findings however large or small.  Let your Sanctuary[…]

Happy Birthday Lauran