Mile 3650. Watson Lake, Yukon Territory. Day 21. Sunrise 4:11am, sunset 11:01pm. Hello? Is the world still out there? We’ve been 48 hours without any coverage whatsoever. Mark didn’t care, but I had a difficult time settling without it. We arrived in Dawson Creek BC (not of television series fame),[…]

Mile 2321. Pocahontas Campground in Jasper National Park, Alberta. No cell service, no Wifi. We successfully entered Canada on June 15th. Twenty minutes to cross. No search. No kids selling Chiclets or climbing on the car to wash the windshield. All the expected questions except one – when was your[…]

Mile 1652. Wenatchee Confluence Park in Wenatchee, WA. One coyote, two deer, six mosquito bites. Sunrise 5:02am, sunset 8:58pm. A few nights ago we camped at Maryhill State Park, a campground nestled on the northern bank of the Columbia River, the largest river in the Pacific Northwest. Our site looked[…]