My birthday cards arrived in mailboxes in early September. An email from Audra’s employer, Marsh McLennan, arrived just as she and her husband, Tony, were discussing ways to fulfill my birthday request. Marsh, who 21 years ago today lost 358 employees in the Twin Towers, wanted to honor first responders[…]

August was a tough month: earthquake in Haiti; hurricane Ida in Louisiana; a surge of the Delta COVID variant; in California where I live, the final countdown to the Gubernatorial recall election; massive wildfires in the West; and the most heart wrenching to watch, in my opinion, the chaotic U.S.[…]

My birthday is almost two months gone. It’s time to shift the focus of my giving project to storytelling. It’s time to share with you the wonderful and creative acts of kindness, the worthy and diverse charitable organizations, the ways in which some made their $60 go further, and the many touching moments[…]