January 29th: Gratitude is being overshadowed by anxiety and concern over current events. I’m struggling to find something I’m grateful for today. But after returning home from a nice family dinner with my cousin’s family I realize that I have something to be very grateful for. My husband and cousin[…]

January 24th: Today I am grateful for cameras and my love of photography. My memory has never been first-rate. It’s a frustrating trait, a trait I attribute to multi-tasking and difficulty living in the present moment, a trait that prevents me from being a viable Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy contender. There[…]
January 22nd: Parking lot manners leave much to be desired these days. There’s nothing more frustrating then not once, but twice going through the cycle of looking in your rear view mirror, then over your right shoulder and over your left shoulder only to find someone right behind you as soon as you[…]