Our Last Ocean View

Mile 244. Port San Luis Woodyard Campground in Avila Beach CA. Our front door is steps away from the beach; our back door within walking distance to the entrance of the only active nuclear power plant in California. Those of us who are old enough may remember Diablo Canyon. In 1981, on the heals of the discovery of a nearby fault line and a partial nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, the Abalone Alliance, a coalition of 60 anti-nuclear groups, nearly 2000 activists including Jackson Browne, prevented employees from entering the plant. All protestors were arrested. Rolling Stones magazine called it the “boldest demonstration yet against a nuclear future.” The plant’s checkered past does not detract from the beauty of the coastline nor does it discourage visitors. There are bird sanctuary signs everywhere. So here we are, our last ocean view until the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska.

Mark and I practiced our departure checklist this morning. All caught up in the excitement of yesterday’s Mile 0 departure we failed to secure everything. Five miles into the drive we exited the freeway to close the roof vents and discovered the fruit hammock, featured in the photo of my last post, on the counter and all the fruit in the sink. A bathroom bin had also slid into the bathroom sink. Not quite as bad as spice mix all over the floor, but nonetheless. You have to remember, Mark and I are not experienced campers. Sure we had three practice trips, but prior to that…..nothing, nada, zip. Which means there are many adventures and firsts to come, like the ones we checked off the list yesterday: stopping at a gas station with the trailer attached and boondocking (camping without power/sewer/water hookups).

Oh, and by the way, the Herons are following me. This one patiently fished on the beach in front of our campsite last night.

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Reply to Elisabeth


  1. Elaine says:

    This is going to be a FUN adventure!

  2. Andy says:

    Love that the first stop was 5 miles down the road. Was good practice and you two will be pros in a couple of weeks!!

    • Lauran says:

      Mark’s skilled at getting us on and off the road and in and out of gas stations and campsites, that’s for sure. And sometimes you need to make mistakes to remember not too!

  3. Mary says:

    Love that the Herons are following you.

  4. Celine says:

    You are living my dream

  5. Elisabeth says:
