HeArt Weekend

June 8:  Last weekend was amazing.  I gathered with 4 other women for a weekend of creativity, inspiration, soul filling conversation, nurturing, my first aura reading, oracle cards, homemade Crab Eggs Benedict , a visit to my first metaphysical store, singing, dancing, Margaritas, art education, Reiki, sweet Bella, and a sharing of gifts.

It’s a continuation of a friendship that began online in 2014 with a Brene Brown eCourse and whose mission it is to support the discovery and fulfillment of individual potential.   We are safety blankets for the inevitable changes in life, providing comfort while reminding each other that to live life you must lean into life.  The friendship has evolved into one where we hope someday to all be in the same room together, a task easier said than done given the different countries in which the 10 of us reside.  We joke that our story would make a great documentary if only we knew a documentarian.  Last weekend we reached the halfway mark – 5 of 10.  Next year we hope to add at least one more to what is fast becoming an annual event – our HeArt weekend.  Patience and faith.

I’m already missing the creative energy.  A memorable moment for me was painting a face — a first for me.  Hey, I didn’t do too bad!  And collaberating on an intuitive painting, a method of painting that is foreign to me.  I admit, I stood in front of the canvas worried I wouldn’t be able to express myself in this way.  My painting technique is what I would call minimalist and as I write this I realize, laughingly, that it’s not because of the single finger approach, it’s minimal because I minimize engagement and therefore damage using just one finger.  Hey, I have to start somewhere and seriously, I look like I’m having fun.  I admire the woman who engaged fully, lathering acrylic paint on the palms of both hands.  I aspire to that.  The hostess of our gathering has yet to apply her layer, the final layer.  I can’t wait to see what this painting will become; to see the ways in which each of our efforts contribute to the whole.

I’m grateful for such an engaging, inspiring and creative weekend.  It is a memory that I will treasure and draw inspiration from.  It is a memory I’m thinking fondly of today.

Only 358 days to go until our next HeArt weekend.


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Reply to Katherine


  1. Katherine says:

    Our time together filled my heart with so much joy! I am grateful for each & every one of you and the gift of authentic friendship you bring to my life. You are providing the inspiration for me to continue to unfold my wings and fly bravely onward. Lauran your portrait is fantastic my friend. I look forward to June 2018 with great anticipation. 🙂 P.S. Wonderful post!!!

  2. Kelly says:

    This weekend was beyond amazing and I can’t wait until the next one! And I love this photo of you! ❤

  3. Mary says:

    The weekend was so engaging and nourishing and delightful. The next countdown has begun and I am jazzed! ❤️