The goal for 2014 was small; find balance, connection and calmness of mind. Regain courage (for I discovered along the way I already had it). Share my voice even if contrary. I’m being facetious about the size of the goal for it is lofty indeed and not easily achievable in one year’s time.
The desire for change started me on the path and once on the path there was nowhere to go but forward. Patience and faith is crucial, for the steps along the way are revealed only to those who are looking and the pace is slow, slower than the speed of this crazy chaotic instant gratification world.
Creativity presented itself as an invaluable instructor. What better way to let go of the things that can prevent one from reaching those goals – comparison, perfectionism and fear of not being good enough – than painting or drawing when you have no skill. Singing when you can’t read music. Dancing when you don’t know the steps. Writing when you don’t know how to put your thoughts into words.
Creativity is about doing something. And the willingness to do something badly is far better than doing nothing at all. After all, who’s to say it’s bad? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and each of us view the world with a different set of eyes.
So if Creativity is my instructor why have I not written a blog post in 4 months? I’ll be honest. Life intervened and I lost focus. There’s the butterfly angle, both scientific and inspirational. Fall migration and Winter overwintering is an important and symbolic part of a Monarch’s life. But these events don’t occur in my atrium. Writing about something that is not in front of me, that I have not experienced, feels pedantic. My focus could be inspiration without any reference to Monarchs. But that feels too broad and too forced. The best gems are stumbled on, not sought after. So I let it go and took a break.
But writing, the art of expressing myself with the written word, is always on my mind. And just because I’m not blog writing doesn’t mean I’m not writing. I have been writing in one form or another since I was young. In elementary school I wrote and illustrated stories. Am I too embarrassed to say that I still have them? No! And they are fun to go back and read! Journal writing and poetry were significant junior high and high school activities; they got me through tough years.
I was and still am a prolific letter writer. From pen pals to a very long term correspondence with a dear friend that amassed hundreds of letters. I can’t send out a holiday card without hand signing my name and writing a short note. I write postcards when I travel. There is something about a letter that is very personal. A phone call requires such an immediate and spontaneous response and what’s being said can oftentimes get lost in the dynamics of the relationship. A text is too short and cryptic and is often written hastily and while multi-tasking. For the period of time in which a letter is being written you focus on nothing but that person and you say what you want or need to say as your best possible self. A letter makes you think about language, about words and their meaning. A letter is a little piece of history; a document that can be referred to over and over again.
After completing my formal education I dreamt of publishing something. I took a creative writing class and joined a writer’s group. I wrote and submitted short stories for publication (unsuccessfully) and even started a novel. I quickly learned that this type of writing was not for me; it wasn’t personal enough, I didn’t know how to translate my experiences into stories.
I brought my love of writing, quite unintentionally, into my career writing newsletters and user manuals for people learning how to use software.
In 2014 I started writing a handwritten journal. It feels important to say that it’s handwritten since everything is on the computer these days. Oh I admit my handwriting is sloppy and my hand cramps up; but there is something different about the way the mind thinks when putting pen to paper, and there are days when doing so feels more real than typing.
In 2014 I started this blog.
In 2014 I joined an online community of people working through Brene Brown’s Gifts of Imperfection eCourse and Julia Cameron’s Artist Way program. In those programs I learned to listen to people through their writing and to translate the garbled thoughts in my head into meaningful, supportive words.
In 2014 I made a new friend with a similar passion for letter writing. This is the best of all for I am rich in friendship and in the re-discovery of an old love – letter writing. Okay, we email. But in my mind, an email written like a letter is a letter.
A letter can be a novella. A letter can be a memoir. A letter can be a journal entry containing your deepest thoughts, a description of the most perfect tree you saw while out walking, a sharing of a joyous or shameful moment, a poem, a conversation, a tribute, a farewell, an inspiration to keep going, a mere “Hello, I’m here thinking of you”.
So here is an idea that I’m mulling around in my head. Tell me what you think. What if my blog posts are letters.
The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains. ~ Proverbs
Letter writing is an excellent way of slowing down this lunatic helter skelter universe long enough to gather one’s thoughts. ~ Nick Bantock
Lauran, I read your post quickly a couple of days ago and knew I wanted to come back to it, to give it the attention it deserves. I absolutely love the way you’ve delivered your thoughts, and I agree with you, regarding the beauty of letter writing…and, simply, the hand written word, in general. I mean, really, who doesn’t love to open their mailbox to find a personal note waiting for them?
What do I think of you writing your blog in the form of a letter? I think it’s a brilliant idea! I will be disappointed if you decide otherwise.
One more thing, are you familiar with If not, I urge you to check it out. It has your name written all over it! Here’s the link:
I look forward to reading more of your letters via this blog…and, thanks for the inspiration. 🙂
Tyna, I checked out What an amazing idea. Looks like they are on hiatus right now but I plan to check back soon. Thanks for the referral!
January 7, 2015
Dear Lauran,
I love this post and I share your sentiments. I remember corresponding via mailed letters decades ago and the feel of receiving letters in response to my own. Before Morning Pages, I had thought that my deteriorating handwriting was a result of arthritis. While that does play a role, the bigger role is plain and simply lack of use. I even discovered that I had to rethink how to form certain cursive letters and that is, in fact, partly due to my thumbs. But it has improved with practice. Typing has made my fingers lazy.
The benefit of writing your letters in a blog is that so many more people can read them, and that is a gift to each of us. I have so enjoyed the results of your thought process in responding to our posts. I look forward to your letters continuing on this site.
Thank you, Margaret. Having to rethink the formation of cursive letters may not be all that unusual because I suffer from the same condition!
I love the sound of pencil to paper. I admit I rarely write acoustically…rather digitally. Some of my most “open heart” moments have come during letter writing…my most human moments. My brain too functions at that speed and not the speed of a multi-tasking world. I look forward to your next letter. Dear…
After a very long & frustrating day at work, to come home & read your blog Lauran was quite simply a joy. Than you so much for the inspirational words and observations in life. I could hear your voice in the written words and that’s certainly a talent you have there Mrs! Please try to continue to write through the blog as I can’t wait to read the next ‘letter’ x
What an absolute delight to find a notice in my email box this morning that you had written a new blog post. You have been on a creative journey that is transformative and inspiring. I especially enjoyed reading about the letter writing. There is great beauty in a written letter as you discussed , especially in today’s world. So which ever style you choose to communicate with us it will be read and appreciated by me & others because it is a post formed by your written word. It is the slowing down, focusing and appreciating in written word your thoughts, experiences, joys, struggles etc.. whether it is in your atrium or your life. Looking forward to reading your words again soon. Thanks for sharing with us.